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COVID and FLU vaccines have arrived. We are taking appointments starting October 15. Please look in our pharmacy page for more information.

Plants and flowers have moved to our Grocer location at 110 – 3651 Moncton Street.

Groceries, dairy, meats and produce are available at 110 3651 Moncton Street ( accessible from 2nd Avenue, between Moncton and Chatham Streets. ). We have ordered a new freezer unit and anticipate having ice cream and frozen foods in the near future.

REBUILDING: we are currently working with the city to licence our location on Moncton Street. The process has been long and still incomplete. We thank the city and city staff for all their help and support. We are looking for a developer to take on developing our site on No. 1 Road. If interested, please contact:

Colin Schuss

230-10451 Shellbridge Way, Richmond, B.C., V6X 2W8
604-270-1711 Ext. 104

Email us at manager@supergrocer.ca and order prescriptions by email at pharmacy@supergrocer.ca

Email a Grocery order and pickup.

Contact us.

Super Grocer & Pharmacy is located at 12051 No. 1 Road, Richmond, BC.  The pharmacy is managed by C. Chui, (604) 274-7878, and is licensed by the College of Pharmacists of BC.  Pharmacy practice issues may be reported to the College located at 200 – 1765 West 8th Ave,  Vancouver, BC  V6J 5C6

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