We are happy to offer a limited, untested shopping service.
Please email us your shopping list.
Format of shopping list:
- Quantity then a description ( one item per line please and be clear ).
- A contact phone number that you will answer. No voice mail please.
- Prepare to pickup your order within one hour.
- Order between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm.
We will call you to confirm that you really placed the order and take your payment information. Please do not include that in your email. It is not secure.
Example list:
For Bridgette Jones – 778-123-4567
1 small yellow onion
2 pink tomatoes
0.5 kilo lean ground beef
1 package chili powder
1 2 roll paper towels
1 dozen white eggs
1 loaf whole wheat sliced bread
1 haagen daz coffee ice cream
1 bottle method laundry detergent
Happy shopping.