Click here to read our Covid-19 Safety Plan.
Email Order and Pickup
We are happy to offer a limited, untested shopping service.
Please email us your shopping list.
Format of shopping list:
- Quantity then a description ( one item per line please and be clear ).
- A contact phone number that you will answer. No voice mail please.
- Prepare to pickup your order within one hour.
- Order between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm.
We will call you to confirm that you really placed the order and take your payment information. Please do not include that in your email. It is not secure.
Example list:
For Bridgette Jones – 778-123-4567
1 small yellow onion
2 pink tomatoes
0.5 kilo lean ground beef
1 package chili powder
1 2 roll paper towels
1 dozen white eggs
1 loaf whole wheat sliced bread
1 haagen daz coffee ice cream
1 bottle method laundry detergent
Happy shopping.
Help us stay healthy. Please pay by debit card.
Covid-19 is changing how we go about our daily transactions. To help us lower the risk of contracting the infection, please pay by debit card. Cash carries the risk of being contaminated with the virus, and credit cards sometimes generate a signature slip. We will continue to accept these forms of payment, but would appreciate your cooperation in minimizing exchanges of material in all transactions.
Thank you.
Happy Holidays

Single Use Plastic Bags

Super Grocer & Pharmacy will stop supplying single use plastic bags to our customers in the future. Please bring your reusable shopping bags, but if you forget, we sell durable bags for a reasonable price.
Thank you for understanding as we change to a more environmentally sustainable consumption model.
Thank you for your prayers and condolences.

Our 10 seconds of Internet Fame
Korean music video recorded at Super Grocer & Pharmacy.
Never mind the starlets, note the upper right corner of the frame. Our Canada Post office is open from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm daily. Our pharmacy is open the same hours and is currently providing Influenza Vaccines as well as conducting Medication Reviews. We have answers to your medication questions( and not from Woo, but a registered pharmacist ). When your mind gets swaying, drop in for a snack at our deli while shopping in Steveston. You probably have low blood sugar.
Here is a link to the video. Enjoy!
Top Beef
Brazilians come into the store to purchase this cut for their BBQs. Cut from the Top Sirloin, this tender, juicy steak is versatile and is very well suited for grilling on the barbecue.
Brazilian Beef Barbecue Recipe.
Ingredients: 1 medium pack Beef Top Sirloin Cap steaks, 2 Limes, 2 Tbsp white sugar, 2 Tbsp Chili powder, salt.
Preparation: cut each steak in to three pieces, dust with salt and refrigerate overnight. Prepare lime mixture by juicing Limes, add sugar and chili powder, mix well.
Grill at very high heat( close bbq cover ), turning every minute or so until all six sides have scorch marks. Continue turning to almost desired doneness, baste with Lime juice mixture and grill another minute or so per side to caramelize the sugar.
Serve immediately.